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Willy-Brandt-Platz 5
53572 Unkel




Als Kunst- und Designliebhaber habe ich eine lehrreiche Zeit erfahren. In langen Jahren habe ich mich immer weiter gebildet und habe bis heute nicht aufgehört, meine Arbeit zu perfektionieren.


My name is Anastasia Weishaupt, originally from Moscow and Sankt Petersburg.


I have always been painting as far as I can remember – even some of my first childhood watercolour works took part in art exhibitions.

I graduated from an art school in St. Petersburg (Leningrad then) in the 80s, in the 90s, after completing my university degree used to work as an engineer in Moscow.

However, art has always been an essential part of my life and I have always been looking for ways to give it even more space.

Therefore, as the creative industries have been developing, I switched into a different creative profession – being a graphic designer. 


After moving to Germany, I started taking projects in interior design – decorating beauty salons and medical practices with my paintings. I am studying interior design while developing as an artist. 


Funny enough, I literally can’t stop painting! In today’s digital reality, painting by hand is my meditation; it’s vital for my artistic development. 


Combined with my rich professional experience, art helps me engage world more holistically with the world .

I continue to express myself with my works and I hope my art inspires you as it inspieres me , day by day.


Lesen Sie in meiner Vita, wie mein Leben im Bereich Kunst und Design verlief:


  • 1977 : meine erste Art Austellung in Moskau , "Kinder von der Welt" . Ich war noch in der 4 Schulkasse und habe meine erste Auszeichning für meine Aquarelle bekommen. Damal mein bester geliebter russische Maler war  Michael Wrubel.
  • 1978/79 : began ich in einer russischen Kunstschule in St.Petersburg meine erste Malunterrichte. Erste Leinwand und erste Staffelei . 
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